What 2D Ellen can do?
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- September 14, 2023 by KWYume#unity, #technologies, #2d game kit, #bugs, #fixISSUE : Several prefabs (e.g. Teleporter, Spikes) with custom shaders appear in magenta. WORKAROUND : Select the affected prefab and pick the Universal Render Pipeline/2D/Sprite-Lit-Default shader in... Continue reading
- September 14, 2023 by KWYume#unity, #2d game kit, #Water2D, #grabPosIf I added water prefabs which contain Water2D Shader, when I compile the game, it returns an invalid subscript 'grabPos' at line 56 error. However, when I removed the water prefabs - such as Acid tha... Continue reading
- September 04, 2023 by KWYume#Unity, #2d game kit, #web, #playThe 3D game kit I worked on cannot play in browsers. So, is the 2D kit the same? I built and ran the demo gameplay, and it is ok to play in browsers. So the answer is. YES, it is web playable... Continue reading